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Counselling Code

Civil Engineering


Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering is the mother of all engineering disciplines - so proclaim by the proud civil engineers. Serving to meet one of the three fundamental human needs (food, cloth, and shelter) the discipline has grown long beyond shelter-building basics to sky-scraping towers to high-rise dams to long-span bridges, and to odd-shaped roof structures. To-day's hi-tech Civil engineers are not content with designing and building ordinary-looking houses and roads of the yore, but want to create 'Designer' structures that will challenge their synthesis skill and speak of their profession.The Department of Civil Engineering in Sudharsan Engineering College recognizes the need of the time and provides for the engineering enterprise in the field.

The department is well-established in every sense of the word. The human resource, namely, the faculty, is rich in qualification and high in caliber. The physical resource, namely, the laboratories, is complete in equipment and modern in deployment. The teaching resource, namely, the books, models, and charts, are abundant in number and selective in quality.All put together effectively by the rigorous curriculum delivery of the college,it is ensured that the students of Civil engineering go out as excellent professionals that our fast-progressing country urgently requires.


To achieve Excellence in Technology, Innovation and Research in ethical way to Lead and Serve the Nation and to be recognized as a premier Civil Engineering department in the region. To prepare students as competent Civil Engineering professionals dedicated to the progress and development of the humanity and countries.


  • Create and develop sustained environment of learning, to nurture the students into highly skillful and ethical professionals by imparting quality education with social obligations.

  • To establish collaborative partnerships with academic, research and industrial entities to provide a knowledge base for existing and emerging technologies to enhance the skills innovativeness, management skills and lifelong learning in Civil Engineering students.

  • To provide students with the principles and methodologies needed for civil engineering practice and prepare students for leadership roles in Civil Engineering.

Laboratory Details Civil Engineering

All laboratories are well-furnished with the latest electronically controlled instruments. Some of the sophisticated equipment available in the laboratories are:

Our department has seven laboratories namely,

  • Soil Mechanics Lab
  • Strength of Materials
  • Surveying Lab
  • Environmental Engineering Lab
  • Transportation Engineering Lab
  • Computer Aided Building Drawing
  • Hydraulics Lab

Soil Mechanics Lab

Triaxial shear test apparatus with accessories, Standard penetration apparatus with accessories, Field density test , Permeability apparatus and Unconfined compression test apparatus.

Has the facility to study about the physical properties of soil.

To study about the determination of shear strength, water content, specific gravity of the soil by using direct shear test, pycnometer and core cutter method.


Major Equipments

Direct shear test apparatus Casagrande apparatus
Liquid limit & plastic limit device 20 cm sieve size
Field density (Sand pouring cylinder) Proctor compaction apparatus

Strength of Materials lab

This lab is well equipped for testing structural materials including steel, timber, concrete etc., and has a 100T electronic UTM, a 200T compression testing machine and a wood testing machine. Standard tests are routinely performed for Government and Private Organization.

Has the facility to determine the compressive strength of the concrete cube by using Universal Testing Machine(UTM).


Major Equipments

Torsion Testing Machine Spring Testing Machine
Fatigue Testing Machine Rock Well Hardness Testing Machine
Impact Testing Machine Brinell Hardness Testing Machine
Universal Testing Machine Load Measuring Cell
Compression Testing Machine

Survey Lab

civil lab

To Study about the Theodolite and Total Station and to learn how to work with the instruments.

To learn to run a traverse, and to determine the distances using chain, compass and plane table.

To study the field work using Total station.

Major Equipments

Conventional Theodolite Electronic Theodolite
Dumpy Level Plane Table
Ranging Rod Levelling & Cross Staff
Prismatic Compass Total Station

Environmental Engineering Lab

The laboratory can contribute its pilot study facilities and chemical analytical equipment as well as experimental technology to the environment studies and continuing learning in the Environmental professions.

Has the facility to study the oxygen demand in water by using incubators and chemicals.


Major Equipments

pH Meter Calorimeter
Conductivity Meter Jar Test Apparatus
COD Apparatus Hot Air Oven
Magnetic Stirrer

Transportation Engineering Lab

The experimental work involved in this laboratory should make the student to understand the fundamental testing of aggregate and also the bitumen. Relating these quantities, the student should be able to obtain the strength of the material.

To study about the abrasion value, crushing strength and impact value of the aggregates.

Has the facility to study the physical properties of the aggregates.


Major Equipments

Bitumen Automatic Penetrometer Ductility Testing Machine
Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine Le-Chatelier Flask, Mould & Water Bath
Flash & Fire Point Test Apparatus Ring & Ball Apparatus
Tar Viscometer

Computer Aided Building Drawing

At the end of this course the student should be able to draft on computer building drawings (Plan, elevation and sectional views) in accordance with development and control rules satisfying orientation and functional requirements

The software used is CADD.


Hydraulics Lab

The Hydraulics Laboratory involved in a wide range of basic as well as applied experimental and theoretical research in fluid mechanics.

The activities are focused on the physical understanding, modeling and manipulation of complex flows and their instabilities.

The main objective of this laboratory is the Student should be able to verify the principles studied in theory by conducting the experiments.


Major Equipments

Venturimeter & Orificemeter Test Orifice & Mouthpiece Apparatus
Pipe Friction Apparatus Losses in Pipe Line Apparatus
Pitot tube & water meter tests Pelton wheel & Francis Turbine
Vernier Caliper Spanner & Screw Driver Set


Library Details Civil Engineering

The Civil Engineering Department library has 1075 books and 2418 volumes. It also has students Thesis and Design Project work records.

The Civil Engineering Department library is also equipped with facilities in the form of newspapers cuttings of recent advancements, Previous year Question papers and CD/VCD.



Graduates of the programme B E Civil Engineering will

  • Gain knowledge and skills in Civil engineering which will enable them to have a career and professional accomplishment in the public or private sector organizations
  • Become consultants on complex real life Civil Engineering problems related to Infrastructure development especially housing, construction, water supply, sewerage, transport, spatial planning.
  • Become entrepreneurs and develop processes and technologies to meet desired infrastructure needs of society and formulate solutions that are technically sound, Economically feasible, and socially acceptable.
  • Perform investigation for solving Civil Engineering problems by conducting research using modern equipment and software tools.
  • Function in multi-disciplinary teams and advocate policies, systems, processes and equipment to support civil engineering


On successful completion of the Civil Engineering Degree programme, the Graduates shall exhibit the following:

  • PSO1 Knowledge of Civil Engineering discipline Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Civil Engineering discipline,with an ability to evaluate, analyze and synthesize existing and newknowledge.
  • PSO2 Critical analysis of Civil Engineering problems and innovation Critically analyze complex Civil Engineering problems, apply independent judgment for synthesizing information and make innovative advances in a theoretical, practical and policy context.
  • PSO3 Conceptualization and evaluation of engineering solutions to Civil Engineering Issues Conceptualize and solve Civil Engineering problems, evaluate potential solutions and arrive at technically feasible, economically viable and environmentally sound solutions with due consideration of health, safety, and socio cultural factors.



Engineering knowledge : Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

Problem analysis : Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

Design/development of solutions : Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

Conduct investigations of complex problems : Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

Modern tool usage : Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

The engineer and society : Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice.

Environment and sustainability : Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

Ethics : Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

Individual and team work : Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

Communication : Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

Project management and finance : Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

Life-long learning : Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Course Outcomes


R & D Cell Civil Engineering

Sanctioned R&D Projects :

S. No. Title Cost ₹
1 Effluent recycling for Garnet cleaning Process 8 Lakhs