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Electronics & Communication Engineering


Electronics & Communication Engineering

We are living in the Electronics Age, technologically speaking. Every application or device we have or use tends to become electronic in technology. The 'e-' prefix sprouting on almost every conceivable application - e-mail, e-ticket, e-commerce, e-court, e-cash, etc. - bears compelling evidence to the maturing of Electronics Age. Though most of these applications are the offshoots of Information Technology, the underlying foundation on which they are built is 'Electronics', in terms of hardware.

The infrastructure that enabled such new applications is an allied technology called 'Communication Engineering'. While the field of Communication Engineering has grown so huge to become a discipline by itself the discipline of Electronics Engineering can never be complete without the 'Communication Engineering' component.

The Bachelor programme of study in this department teaches the students the science and application of electronics principles, electronic circuit design, microprocessors, television engineering, and networking. The engineers of this discipline will be able to design devices and circuits for newer applications in industries or home. They will also be able to design networks for digital and radio communications. With their knowledge in electronics and skill in instruments like oscilloscopes and digital probes they will be able to troubleshoot any electronic devices and electronic component-based equipments also. Further specialization in Communication Systems is offered by the department in its Master degree programme in Communication Systems.

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in Sudharsan Engineering College enjoys a generous investment in equipment which is well-utilized in intensive laboratory training for students. Initiatives in innovative circuit designs and applications are encouraged offering free access to laboratory resources. The Laboratory stock is continually updated and upgraded in keeping with the advancements in the field. The Department's long list of resources includes: The members of the faculty are well-qualified and are regularly deputed for subject up gradation programmes in industries and leading higher learning institutions.


Create high-quality engineering professionals through research, innovation and teamwork for a lasting technology development in the area of Electronics and Communication Engineering.


  • To offer a well-balanced programme of instruction, lab practices, research & development activities.

  • Develop accomplished technical personnel with a strong background on fundamental and advanced concepts, have excellent professional conduct.

  • To strive for continuous improvement in the quality of academics and inculcate Professional ethical values among the students and the faculty members

  • Enhance overall personality development which includes innovative and group work exercises, entrepreneur skills, communication skills and employability.

  • Ensuring effective teaching-learning process to provide in-depth knowledge of principles and its applications pertaining to Electronics & Communication Engineering and interdisciplinary areas.

Laboratory Details Electronics & Communication Engineering


Electronic Devices And Circuits Laboratory (Area of the Laboratory : 105 sq.m)

Students explore semiconductor devices, operational amplifiers, and digital circuits through practical experiments. The lab emphasizes real-world applications and troubleshooting techniques, bridging theoretical knowledge with practical skills. By conducting experiments and analyzing results, students gain a deep understanding of circuit behaviour and performance. This lab is crucial for developing expertise in electronics and preparing for advanced coursework and professional work.

ECE lab

Major Equipments

Pspice Software Ammeter
Voltmeter Power supply
CRO Function Generator
Rheostat Decade Resistor Box
Decade Inductance Box Decade Capacitance Box


At the end of the laboratory course, the student will be able to understand the characteristics of PN Junction Diode and Zener diode, design and Testing of BJT and MOSFET amplifiers and operation of power amplifiers.

Analog and digital circuits laboratory (Area : 105 sq.m)

Students work with components like resistors, capacitors, transistors, and logic gates to understand their behavior and applications. The lab focuses on constructing and testing various circuits, including amplifiers, oscillators, and digital logic systems. Emphasis is placed on troubleshooting and optimizing circuit performance. This lab equips students with essential skills for real-world electronic design and problem-solving in both analog and digital domains.

ECE lab

Major Equipments

Digital IC Trainer kit (Versions 10, 16& 20)
Linear IC Trainer Kit.


On completion of this laboratory course, the student should be able to design and Test rectifiers, filters and regulated power supplies, design and Test BJT/JFET amplifiers, differentiate cascade and cascade amplifiers, analyze the limitation in bandwidth of single stage and multi stage amplifier, measure CMRR in differential amplifier, simulate and analyze amplifier circuits using PSpice. and design and Test the digital logic circuits.

Microprocessors and microcontrollers laboratory (Area of the Laboratory: 105 sq.m)

Students learn to program and interface with microcontrollers, developing skills in assembly language and embedded systems design. The lab covers various topics, including hardware-software integration, real-time processing, and peripheral interfacing. By engaging in experimental setups and debugging processes, students gain a comprehensive understanding of microprocessor architecture and microcontroller applications. This lab is essential for mastering the foundational skills needed for careers in embedded systems and computer engineering.

ECE lab

Major Equipments

8085 Micro processor Trainer Kit 8086 Micro processor Trainer Kit
8051 Micro controller Trainer Kit Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
CRO Interface Boards
KEIL Software Universal Programmer
SMPS design High Current Linear Power supply
Process Control Timer PLC Design
AM Transmitter and Receiver FM Transmitter and Receiver;
DSP and MP based System design


At the end of the course, the student should be able to write ALP Programmes for fixed and Floating Point and Arithmetic operations, interface different I/Os with processor generate waveforms using Microprocessors, execute Programs in 8051 and explain the difference between simulator and Emulator.

Communication System Laboratory (Area of the Laboratory: 105 sq.m)

Students engage in experiments involving analog and digital modulation, demodulation, and signal processing, using equipment such as oscilloscopes and signal generators. The lab provides hands-on learning in designing and analyzing communication systems, including both wired and wireless setups. Emphasis is placed on understanding system performance and troubleshooting real-world communication issues. This laboratory experience is crucial for developing expertise in modern communication systems and preparing for industry challenges.

ECE lab

Major Equipments

AM, FM, PAM & PCM Modulation / Demodulation Kit FSK & PSK Modulation / Demodulation Kit
Dada Formatting & Career Modulation TX Kit Career Demodulating/ Data Reformatting RX kit
Line coding/ Decoding Kit Analog signal sampling trainer Kit
DCPM demodulation Trainer 20 MHZ Dual Trace Microcontroller based oscilloscope
2 Channel 4 Trace high sensitivity 50 MHZ Triggering oscilloscopes 20 MHZ Dual Trace Micro controller based CRO component Tester
1 MHZ Function Generator with Digital readout for Frequency and amplitude 10 MHZ Micro controller based function pulse Generator
10 MHZ Micro controller based modulation- function -pulse generator -with internal modulation


At the end of the laboratory course, the student will be able to understand the design AM, FM & Digital Modulators for specific applications, compute the sampling frequency for digital modulation, simulate & validate the various functional modules of Communication system, demonstrate their knowledge in base band signalling schemes through implementation of digital modulation schemes, apply various channel coding schemes & demonstrate their capabilities towards the improvement of the noise performance of Communication system.

VLSI Laboratory (Area of the Lab : 105 sq.m)

Students learn to design, simulate, and implement integrated circuits using industry-standard tools and methodologies. The lab covers essential topics such as digital logic design, FPGA programming, and ASIC design. Emphasis is placed on understanding the design flow from conceptualization to verification. This lab equips students with critical skills for careers in semiconductor technology and integrated circuit.

The main job functions in this Laboratory are design, product, test, applications and process engineering. The purpose of this laboratory is to give the knowledge in the field of VLSI Students can do VLSI & Embedded Systems Laboratory experiments and also projects in the field of VLSI

ECE lab

Major Equipments

FPGA Trainer kit Xilinx 9.1 Software (Multiuser)
FPGA Advantage Trainer Kit Embedded System Development Kit


On completion of the course, students will be able to write HDL code for basic as well as advanced digital integrated circuit, import the logic modules into FPGA Boards, synthesize Place and Route the digital lps design, Simulate and Extract the layouts of Digital & Analog IC Blocks using EDA tools and test and Verification of IC design


Library Details Electronics & Communication Engineering

Welcome to the ECE Department Library which is one of the support services of Central Library.


Should be the delivery room for the birth of ideas and the place where history comes to life - Norman Cousins


If minds are truly alive they will seek out books, for books are the human race recounting its memorable experiences, confronting its problems, searching for solutions, drawing the blueprints of it futures - Harry A. Overstreet

Our department library is equipped with facilities in the form of newspapers, CD-ROMs, books, previous university question papers, UG and PG student's project reports.

The Library has the following resources
No. of Books 200
No. of UG Project Reports 118
No. of PG Project Reports 16
CD / VCD 01

I also invite you to visit the library to enjoy the wealth of printed resources available on our shelves.Knowledge is free at the library. Just bring your own container.



❖ To enable graduates to pursue research, or have a successful career in academia or industries associated with Electronics and Communication Engineering, or as entrepreneurs.

❖ To provide students with strong foundational concepts and advanced techniques and tools to enable them to build solutions or systems of varying complexity.

❖ To prepare students to critically analyze existing literature in an area of specialization and ethically develop innovative and research-oriented methodologies to solve the problems identified.


At the end of the program students will be able to

❖ Analyze, design and develop solutions by applying foundational concepts of electronics and communication engineering.

❖ Apply design principles and best practices for developing quality products for scientific and business applications.

❖ Adapt to emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) to innovate ideas and solutions to existing or novel problems.


❖ Engineering knowledge :Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

❖ Problem analysis :Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

❖ Design/development of solutions :Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

❖ Conduct investigations of complex problems :Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

❖ Modern tool usage :Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

❖ The engineer and society :Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice.

❖ Environment and sustainability :Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

❖ Ethics :Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

❖ Individual and team work :Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

❖ Communication :Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

❖ Project management and finance :Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

❖ Life-long learning :Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

R & D Cell Electronics & Communication Engineering

Sanctioned R&D Projects :

S. No. Name of the Scheme Amount Applied (in Lakhs) Sanctioned by
1 Modernization of Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab 15 AICTE, New Delhi
2 Modernization of VLSI Lab 15 AICTE, New Delhi
3 Modernization of Optical & Microwave Lab 15 AICTE, New Delhi
4 Recent trends in VLSI and Embedded systems 2.6 CSIR, New Delhi
5 Recent Trends in Low power VLSI Design 0.5 AICTE, New Delhi
6 Recent Trends in Optical & Wireless Networks 0.5 AICTE, New Delhi
7 Vehicle Tracking system using Embedded Technology 0.2 TNSCST, Chennai
8 Automatic Measuring of Power Meter 0.2 TNSCST, Chennai
9 Spying Robot with Night Vision Camera 0.2 TNSCST, Chennai
10 Electricity Theft Identifier for Industrial Application using GSM technology 0.2 TNSCST, Chennai
11 Fingerprint based License cum key 0.2 TNSCST, Chennai
12 Next Generation Smart water pumps for farmers 0.2 TNSCST, Chennai
13 Contactless AC mains voltage detector 0.2 TNSCST, Chennai
14 Intelligent System for smart homes 0.2 TNSCST, Chennai
15 Mobile Service Blocking Device for Automobiles 0.2 TNSCST, Chennai
16 Red Tacton 0.2 TNSCST, Chennai